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Welcome to Port Washington – Philips 76

Welcome to Port Washington Philips 76. Philips 76 is currently only selling gas, but per the owner they will soon have a convenience store. Philips 76 is located at 2 Manorhaven Blvd (Corner of Shore Road and Manorhaven Blvd). Thank you for choosing Port Washington as your home!

Keep Port Clean

The Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District (BID) has teamed up with Spectrum Designs Foundation which assist people with autism in leading full, productive and meaningful lives. These two non-profit organizations that are based in Port Washington have created a “KEEP PORT CLEAN” crew to help battle the litter problem within the BID district. The … Read more

BID Fighting For Our Community

Our Executive Director Mariann Dalimonte along with Councilwoman Dina DeGiorgio and Mitch Schwartz, Co-President of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce & Treasurer of the Nassau County Council Chamber of Commerce spoke this afternoon at the 2017 Nassau County Budget hearing. All of us strongly urged Nassau County Legislators not to adopt the $105 surcharge … Read more

New Welcome Sign on West Shore Road

The Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District (BID), has placed a beautiful “Welcome to Port Washington” sign on West Shore Road. This sign allows us to welcome all of our visitors to our beautiful and vibrant town.