A Business Improvement District is an organizing and financing mechanism used by local businesses and property owners to fund supplemental services designed to enhance the local economy. A BID is operated by a not-for-profit District Management Association, made up of property owners, merchants and municipal officials to carry out the BID’s day-to-day operations.
A BID allows for improvements and special services that merchants and property owner in a business area may want or need. By requiring all property owners in the District to pay the costs of these improvements and services it spreads the financial burden over a wider base.
You are automatically a member if you own commercial property or operate a business within the BID’s jurisdiction. The BID has over 840 commercial tenant members and 350 commercial property owners.
The board is made up entirely of volunteers. Elections are held annually with seats having alternating two-year terms. There are 11 board seats, but only eight are available through election. There are six commercial property owners and two commercial tenants who sit on the board.
The Port Washington BID has it all. Learn more about how to get started!
We provide grants to support exterior improvements and entice new businesses to open.
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The Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District Association, Inc is a IRS 501c3 organization. EIN 11-3319424.
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