

Keep Port Clean Summer Post

Summer is when we see the results of some of our beautification initiatives in full bloom. We put feet on the street to keep Port clean by hiring a dedicated worker who sweeps and picks up litter along the Main Street corridor, sides streets, and parts of Shore Road and Pt Washington Blvd. If you haven’t met Philip yet, you

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To All Members of the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District 

As a waterfront community, we all know that “rising tide lifts all boats.” Let’s work together to raise the level of care of our business corridor. When each member of the business community pitches in, everyone rises up. Here’s what you can do.  Place commercial garbage out for pick up on collection days ONLY.   Curbside pick-up is on Tuesday through

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A todos los miembros del Business Improvement District del Gran Port Washington

Invierno 2023 A todos los miembros del Business Improvement District del Gran Port Washington Como una comunidad frente al mar, todos sabemos que una “marea creciente levanta todos los barcos.” Trabajemos juntos para aumentar el nivel de atención de nuestro corredor de negocios. Cuando cada miembro de la comunidad comercial pone de su parte, todos se levantan. Esto es lo

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Whose garbage is it anyway?

Your responsibilities as commercial tenants within the Port Washington Business Improvement District   Garbage Collection  Commercial collection on Main Street and Port Washington Blvd. is performed by the Port Washington Garbage District. Collections are made 5 days each week, Tuesday through Saturday. Other areas are collected on the regular residential schedule. The maximum volume collected each day varies based on the type and size of

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Flowers Brighten Port Washington Streets

Flowers Brighten Port Washington Streets A sure sign that summer has arrived is the display of hanging baskets along Main Street and Port Boulevard in addition to the planting of the beds at the LIRR station. Each year the Port Washington BID sponsors these beautification projects in concert with the Town of North Hempstead. This season faced delays with the

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