Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District Awards College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors $2,000

The Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District’s (BID) New Tenant Bonus Program recently awarded College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors which is located at 14 Vanderventer Avenue, Suite 115 $2,000. “The BID Grant will be used to purchase supplies and test prep materials for our tutoring center” stated Marina Tourevski, Franchise Owner, College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors.

“The purpose of the New Tenant Bonus Program is to allow our organization to help start a business within the BID District. We are excited that College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors has chosen Port Washington as their new home and we wish them much success” stated Mariann Dalimonte, Executive Director, BID.