Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District Awards Mathnasium Two Grants
The Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District (BID) issued a $2,500 Facade Rehabilitation Grant and a $2,000 New Tenant Bonus Grant to Mathnasium which is located at 938 Port Washington Blvd. The purpose of the Facade Rehabilitation Grant Program is to provide assistance to property owners and businesses within the district that are interested in the rehabilitation of their exterior building facades. The purpose of the New Tenant Bonus Program is to allow our organization to help start a business within the BID District.
“The grant money awarded to Mathnasium was used to pay for a portion of our sign and offset the cost of books, prizes, and other educational supplies. We look forward to bringing this successful and growing franchise to the residents of Port Washington.” stated Alan Flyer, Co-Owner of Mathnasium, Port Washington.
“Our organization is very thankful to Mathnasium for choosing Port Washington as their home” stated Mariann Dalimonte, Executive Director of the BID