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Summer is when we see the results of some of our beautification initiatives in full bloom.

The Port Washington BID partners with you to improve the look of Main Street. Now we ask that you continue your efforts as well.

Place commercial garbage out for pick up ONLY on collection days.

Curbside pick-up is on Tuesday through Saturday AM. Commercial garbage left curbside will NOT be picked up on Sunday or Monday, including any Monday holidays. You may NOT leave garbage out after Saturday morning collection. You will be ticketed and fined.

Black Litter Receptacles are NOT for residential or commercial garbage.

Do not leave garbage from your business in these receptacles. They are intended for foot traffic use only. Please alert any residence in a multi-use building of this violation. You may be fined for misuse.

We remind you of the Town of North Hempstead code related to sidewalk care:

  1. Every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person in charge of any property within the Town shall at all times keep such sidewalk in good and safe repair and maintain the same clean, free from filth, dirt, weeds or other objects or materials.
  2. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, drop, throw or otherwise dispose of paper, debris or refuse of any nature whatsoever upon the sidewalks, streets, parking areas or other public places in the Town of North Hempstead.

Source: Town of North Hempstead Code Article IV Cleaning and Obstruction.
View online.

You can also review information from the PW Garbage District at

Thank you for going the extra mile to make Main Street look the best for you and your customers.

Holly Byrne
Executive Director
Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District

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